Ramblings of a L.S.D

The Little Sarcastic Dame( L.S.D),welcomes you to her blog which can be described by too many adjectives.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Reality smells, Fart and the Neo-Indian Grotesque Art

My friend does something which is called 'arty-farty programming'(Arts Programming). I have nothing against the arts or programming part, what amuses me is the farty part. Why farty?? Is that really bad?  A lot has been spoken and written about that arty part. So, let me elaborate on the farty part, at the risk of being termed as irritating, mindless or whichever adjective you may choose.

Since childhood we Bongs are taught Fart or Paad/Gas Maara (break the wind) is something disgusting and that we shouldn’t fart in public. So, as a child I guess each one us had to find our very own farting place, away from the olfactory glands of others. Well, I know farting is smelly but it’s so natural. According to the dictionary: an emission of intestinal gas from the anus, esp an audible one. See, how natural it is!

I can bet on my imaginary millions pounds stashed in a Swiss Bank account, that every one farts, some admit and some don’t. I admit once again, farts can be disgusting to our sense of smell but please let us not take that ‘holier than thou attitude’ and reduce it to a taboo. You can take out your hanky to cover your nose when you get the smell of fart and get irritated, but please ‘don’t pretend that you don’t fart, as your intestines are listening.’

I see columns on how to find the right partner, they give shitty advice, don’t follow them. Listen to me: fart in a closed room with that ‘would be partner in life’ sitting next to you. If you get a reaction, after which you will remember to suppress your 'future' farts , in front of that person, then reader you are doomed for life. You really need to get out of that relationship!

Perhaps, thinking really irrationally we can have an exhibition on ‘fart being the purest form of art’ as it emanates from the inside of the human body. We can say 'Fart' is the neo-Indian Grotesque Art, as it hits your sense of smell directly and thus leading to the involuntary realisation of the grotesqueness of the 'art' itself.
Nicely theorized!

Yes, I can go on and on with that, because everyone I know farts, just that they have a very good place to hide that smell.
PS: I started it with my friend being an arty-farty programmer, well lost that thread. Some other time,if the farts come out well.