Never make the mistake of being lured by the cakes of The German Bakery in Banaras because they are the worst in the world.......they might be cheap, but only meant for people with no taste buds.
But you should visit it if you want to have an overview of Sex Tourism in Banaras, what you'll get are not Indian sex workers but foreigners who are in need of some quick buck.But what I gathered was that Europeans have a 'thing' for Indian females,well that's what my pretty friend Miss.Sarkar told me,she was given lustful glances by a French guy with amazingly CLEAN dreadlocks, is very difficult to get clean foreigners(as in Europeans,Americans and Australians) in Banaras,they are too dirty for words(inspite of the ghats I don't know why they can't take a bath?)
Banaras is a city of contradictions and 'counter- dictions' ,it is beautiful,it is a helluva crazy intrigues me,it makes me miss it.'What the hell are you?' ... I asked day I packed my bags.......but Banaras wont answer,after all she's a perfect woman-enigmatic and mysterious.
About the German Bakery.....Don't forget to visit it,very easy to find,.just ask anyone on the ghats...they'll be too glad to show you the way!!
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